Little Lantern Husk Cherry seeds
All the beauty of Chinese Lanterns, the deliciousness of husk cherries, and in half the time! Little Lanterns are a dwarf variety of Chinese lanterns that matures earlier than other varieties. Instead of 90 days, you can enjoy the site and flavor of these little husk cherries in 70 days. Since these are a dwarf variety, they are more compact and will do well in containers and even window boxes.
The berries themselves are edible and have a sweet, tangy, and acidic flavor. They are great for jams, preserves, or enjoyed fresh in salads!
Seed count: 15
Botanic name:
Physalis pruinosa
Plant spacing:
24-36" / 3-4' for rows
Green foliage with husks changing from green to yellow, to orange, to red as they mature.
Sowing depth:
1/8 inch
Sun requirements:
Full sun
This compact version of the Chinese Lantern is highly ornamental and a prolific provider of edible berries that can be used in salads, desserts, or jams.
Frost hardy:
Maturity days:
70 days
Life cycle:
Perennial (in zones 3-9)
Can I start indoors:
Container friendly:
Other names:
Vine Habit: