Sake F1 Kabocha seeds
Sake F1 Hybrid Kabocha Winter Squash is an exceptional variety that boasts vibrant green skin and is characterized by its thick, luscious, and bright yellow flesh of superior quality. The medium-sized fruit showcases a charming round to slightly oblate shape with moderate ribbing, adding to its visual appeal. Notably, Sake stands out with its remarkable sweetness (high brix) and dense texture (high dry matter), making it an excellent choice for both culinary delights and decorative purposes.
Distinguished by its commercial-grade attributes, this Kabocha squash exhibits a trailing vine habit, which ensures reliable and robust growth. Whether incorporated into delicious recipes or displayed as a stunning centerpiece, Sake F1 Hybrid Kabocha Winter Squash is a versatile and remarkable addition to any garden or kitchen. This variety is also resistant to powdery mildew and Mosiac Virus!
Seed count: 10
Botanic name:
Plant spacing:
- 24" - 36" apart
- 10' - 12' for rows
Dark green with lighter gray - green stripes
Sowing depth:
Sun requirements:
Full sun
This variety is delicious in miso soups or fried tempura style, it can also be enjoyed in desserts.
Frost hardy:
Maturity days:
85-90 days
Life cycle:
Can I start indoors:
Container friendly:
Not recommended
Other names:
Vine Habit:
Full vine
5-6 lbs.
Disease & Pest Resistance:
Tolerant to Powdery Mildew and Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus