Reisetomate Tomato seeds
Also known as the Reise, Journey, or Travel tomato, the Reisetomate is one of the most unique-looking varieties in the nightshade family. Believed to have origins in Peru, they are a sight to behold. They are best described as a cluster of cherry tomatoes that have fused together. In fact, you can tear each piece off one at a time, and eat them like cherry tomatoes. Each section holds its own seed cavity as well. The skin is thin and each section holds an intense tomato flavor and high acidity. Each tomato produced will weigh 2-4 ounces.
We have grown these 2 years in a row and we noticed they are a little more finicky to grow than other varieties. We also found they do a bit better in raised beds vs. containers.
Seed count: 10
Botanic name:
Solanum lycopersicum
Plant spacing:
Bright red tomatoes, green foliage.
Sowing depth:
1/8" - 1/4"
Sun requirements:
Full sun
Hands down, one of the best snacking tomatoes. Each piece can be torn of individually and enjoyed.
Frost hardy: