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Close up of Prairie Mimosa plant.

Illinois Bundleflower (Prairie Mimosa) seeds

SKU: PM2109

The Prairie Mimosa is another species of the "sensitive plant" family. Prairie Mimosa stands taller than its cousins the mimosa pudica (Sensitive Plant) or the mimosa nuttallii (Sensitive Brier). This variety is different in that it can reach up to 5 feet tall and 2-3 feet wide. The leaves are different as well. Every compound leaf has 8-12 pairs of even-pinnate leaflets; each even-pinnate leaflet consists of 20-40 pairs of closely spaced sub-leaflets. In addition to the leaves being longer, the flowers are also white but still similar in appearance to their cousins. 


Like other members of the mimosa family, the leaves of this variety also fold or curl when touched or blown upon. The nectar-rich flowers attract bees and butterflies while the seed pods attract birds. The seeds are edible and a significant source of protein. The greens are often used for their ornamental "fern-like" appearance, or as feed for livestock. Since this variety is part of the legume family, it's also a nitrogen fixer for soil. These are also container friendly if you are low on garden space. 


Seed count: 50

  • Botanic name:

    Mimosa illinoensis

  • Plant spacing:

    24-26 inches

  • Color:

    Green foliage with light cream / white colored flowers

  • Sowing depth:

    1/2 inch 

  • Sun requirements:

    Full sun

  • Utilization:

    Prairie Mimosa should be grown as a fun novelty plant, or as a nitrogen fixer for soil. In addition, the flowers will attract butterflies and bees while the seeds will attract birds. 

  • Frost hardy:


  • Maturity days:

    90-120 days

  • Life cycle:



  • Can I start indoors:


  • Container friendly:


  • Other names:

    Prairie Bundleflower, Prairie Mimosa, Spider Bean, Illinois Desmanthus

  • Hardiness zones:


  • Vine Habit:



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