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Blue Cream Berries growing in a container.

Blue Cream Berry Tomato seeds

SKU: 368070K

Blue cream berry tomatoes are not only beautiful to look at but delicious as well. The tomatoes are sweet, earthy, slightly acidic, and a little bit bigger than marble. The leaves are dark green and these plants are prolific in that you should get plenty of tomatoes out of each plant. Derived from Wild Boar Farms, this berry earned its name from the dark blue and cream coloring. These are perfect as a garnish, for snacking or to add texture to soups. When mature, the tomatoes will be indigo where the sun hits them and cream-colored where it does not. 


These can be grown in pots, raised beds, garden beds, and in the ground as long as your soil is acidic. You want to aim for 6.0-7.0 on the acidity level. Soil can be made more acidic by adding sphagnum moss. Equally, you can also dilute a little vinegar in a gallon of water and water your tomatoes with the mixture to increase the acidity. You want to make sure you don't overwater or you will be rinsing the acidity out of your tomatoes. These can also be propagated. Once the plant is large enough to produce suckers, you can pinch off or cut the suckers and stick them in the ground and a new tomato plant will soon be yours! This is also an indeterminate variety so you will have tomatoes until the plant dies from frost or disease naturally.


Seed count: 20


  • Botanic name:

    Lycopersicon lycopersicum

  • Plant spacing:

    24" - 36" apart

  • Color:

    Beautiful indigo blue shoulders that transition into a cream color toward