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A basket of Pasilla Bajio Chilis

Pasilla Bajio chili / Pasilla Negra chili pepper seeds

SKU: PB6400

Pasilla Bajio originates from Mexico where it is dried and used in an arsenal of different sauces, moles, and salsas. Equally, you can also make chili Rellenos with these. It is quite seriously one of the most utilized and best chilis in Mexican cuisine. While growing, each chili is a dark green and as it reaches maturity will turn brownish-red. This has earned it other names such as chili negro (dark chili) or Pasilla which translates to "little raisin" as it will also wrinkle when it starts to dry. These chilis will reach an average of 8-10 inches in length. They have a natural smokey flavor that only intensifies as it matures.


These do well in pots, at least a 5 gallon, but anything over 5 gallons will assist the chili in producing bigger, and more chilis. The Scoville unit can range from 1000-2500, similar to the jalapeno. Each plant can reach 3-5 feet tall. 


Seed count:20 

  • Botanic name:

    Capsicum annuum

  • Plant spacing:

    18" - 24" 

  • Color:

    These chilis will be dark green or bright red depending on your harvest time preference

  • Sowing depth:


  • Sun requirements:

    Full sun

  • Utilization:

    Pasilla Bajio chilis can be enjoyed chopped up in Latin cuisine or dried and ground for moles and suaces. 

  • Frost hardy:


  • Maturity days:

    50-60 for green chilis

    70-80 for red chilis