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Updated: Jul 21, 2023

Battling Hailstorms: A Story of Resilience in Our Garden


Gardening can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it's not without its challenges. As enthusiastic gardeners, we embarked on a journey to cultivate a diverse range of plants, including 95 pumpkin plants, 36 tomato varieties, 28 chili varieties, as well as wildflowers and herbs. However, nature had a different plan for us. A devastating hailstorm on May 26th wiped out all our hard work, leaving us disheartened but determined to start over. In this blog post, we will recount our experiences, share our setbacks, and highlight our resilience as we continue to battle hailstorms and replant our beloved garden.

The calm before the storm. We were doing orders in our shed when the rain started turning into small hail.

The Unfortunate Hailstorm:

On that fateful day, we watched helplessly as a seemingly harmless drizzle of hailstones turned into a destructive onslaught. What started off as small, marble-sized hailstones quickly grew in size and intensity, pummeling our garden for a relentless six minutes. The aftermath was devastating; our thriving plants were reduced to tatters, a mere shadow of their former glory.

Our front lot where the hail started coming down quicker

Resilience in the Face of Adversity:

While the hailstorm dealt us a heavy blow, it did not break our spirits. Determined to see our garden flourish once again, we immediately sprang into action. We direct sowed seeds into the mounds, hoping to salvage what we could. Unfortunately, our efforts were thwarted by an unexpected foe - the squirrels. These mischievous creatures saw an opportunity amidst our vulnerability and ravaged the newly planted seeds.

A short video a couple of hours after the hail destroyed our pumpkins, chilis, tomatoes, flowers, and herbs. It had been melting for a couple of hours so it was slightly bigger than in the video.

Starting Over Indoors:

Undeterred, we decided to change our approach. We gathered our remaining strength and restarted our pumpkin, squash, herb, and tomato varieties indoors. Creating a controlled environment allowed us to protect the tender seedlings from the relentless hailstorms and squirrels that seemed to haunt our garden. Patience became our virtue as we nurtured these seedlings, eagerly awaiting the day we could transplant them and see new life emerge from the soil.

Ongoing Battle with Hailstorms:

As we progressed with our indoor seedlings, we faced the recurring challenge of hailstorms. Despite our best efforts to shield the transplants with containers, the hail still managed to break through, leaving us in search of alternative solutions. It is here that we invite you, our fellow gardeners and readers, to share your experiences and ideas in the comments section below. Together, we can explore innovative methods to protect our beloved plants from these relentless hailstorms.


Our journey in the face of adversity has taught us the true meaning of resilience. While the hailstorms tested our patience and resolve, they did not break our spirit. Through replanting, learning from setbacks, and engaging with the gardening community, we continue to find hope and inspiration. We eagerly await the day when we can update you on the successful transplantation and growth of our plants. In the meantime, we will keep fighting, armed with determination and the unwavering belief that our garden will once again thrive, defying the odds and proving that nature's challenges are no match for the human spirit.

Do you typically get hailstorms in your area throughout spring and summer?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not so much anymore

  • Yes, and it's getting worse

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Updated: Jun 9, 2023

This video will teach you how to successfully grow pumpkins from seeds for both direct sowing and indoor starts.

Pumpkins are a popular crop for fall and Halloween festivities, but growing them successfully from seed can be a challenge for many gardeners. That's why we created a video with helpful tips and tricks to ensure your pumpkin seeds grow into healthy, thriving plants.

In the video, we cover everything from choosing the right soil and planting location to proper watering and fertilizing your pumpkin plants.

We also discuss common issues like pests and diseases and provide solutions to help you avoid these problems. One key tip we emphasize is the importance of starting your pumpkin seeds indoors 2 weeks before planting them outside. This allows you to control the growing conditions and give your seeds the best possible start. Once pumpkin seeds sprout, it's up to the grower to provide the optimal conditions to grow the healthiest vines, with the best yields, and this video will give you everything you need to know.

We also explain the different types of pumpkin plants and how to choose the right variety for your needs, whether you're looking for large, decorative pumpkins or smaller, edible ones.

By following the advice in our video, you can grow healthy, robust pumpkin plants that will produce a bountiful harvest come fall. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, our tips will help you achieve success and enjoy the fruits of your labor. So grab your pumpkin seeds and get ready to grow!

This video was a presentation we created for a local nursery in Colorado Springs. If you have any additional questions about growing conditions in your area or pests you run into (i.e. squash vine borers), please shoot us a message, we are happy to help answer your questions.

Our pumpkin seeds

We carry both heirloom and hybrid varieties of pumpkin seeds. If you have any questions about any of the varieties. We have some varieties that are squash vine borer, resistant, powdery mildew resistant, mosaic virus resistant, heat resistant, etc. Even if your pumpkin seeds aren't from us, we are happy to answer any questions you may have. Check back from time to time as we are always adding new and exciting varieties to our collection!

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Updated: Jun 9, 2023

Strawberries are easy to grow from bare roots, but growing them from seed is a bit more challenging. Although we include brief detailed instructions with our seeds, we wanted to post this blog to help identify and remedy some of the germination hurdles some folks have been having. Growing strawberries from seeds indoors can be a fun and rewarding project for gardeners of all levels. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of growing strawberries from seed indoors.

Step 1: Choose the right kind of strawberry seeds

Select the right kind of strawberries for your home or garden. Most Alpine or wild varieties have lower yields, but a much more intense flavor unique only to their variety while more mainstream and hybrid varieties have a higher yield but a more mild-tempered flavor. Some strawberry varieties produce runners and some do not.

Step 2: Gather materials

Step 2: Gather Materials You will need the following materials to get started:

  • Strawberry seeds

  • Seed starting soil or coco coir (avoid using recycled outdoor soil)

  • Seed trays or pots

  • Plastic wrap or a plastic cover

  • A spray bottle or watering can

  • Grow lights

Step 3: Prepare the soil

Fill the seed trays or pots with seed-starting soil. You can purchase seed-starting soil at a garden center or make your own by combining peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite. Moisten the soil with water until it is damp but not soggy. Avoid reusing outdoor soil when starting your seeds, which may harbor disease, bug eggs, and not retain moisture like coco coir or seeds start mix does. You can transplant to a sterilized soil or potting mix after the seedlings have sprouted.

Step 4: Plant the seeds

Sow the strawberry seeds on top of the soil, spacing them about an inch apart. Press the seeds lightly into the soil, but do not bury them too deep. Cover the seed tray or pot with plastic wrap or a plastic cover to create a humid environment for the seeds to germinate. After speaking with some folks, we learned that seeds were being buried in the soil. Strawberry seeds need light to grow, if they are covered with soil, they will not germinate. The soil should be 45-60 degrees (F) and they need to be covered to preserve the humidity.

Step 5: Provide enough light

Place the seed tray or pot under grow lights. If you are using a windowsill, make sure the plants get at least six hours of sunlight per day. If you are using grow lights, keep them on for 14-16 hours per day.

Step 6: Water your seeds

Keep the soil moist but not wet. Use a spray bottle or watering can to water the seeds gently. Avoid overwatering, as this can cause the seeds to rot. Once the seeds germinate and the plants start to grow, you can water them more deeply.

Step 7: Transplant the seedlings

Once the seedlings have two sets of true leaves, they are ready to be transplanted into larger pots or containers. Gently remove the seedlings from the seed tray or pot and transplant them into the new containers, being careful not to damage the roots. At this stage, you can use potting soil, if you choose to reuse outdoor soil, sterilize it with hot water and allow it to cool prior to transplanting your seedlings.

Step 8:Caring for your seedlings:

Place the plants in a sunny location and water them regularly. Fertilize them every two weeks with a balanced fertilizer. Remove any runners that appear, as these can drain energy from the main plant. You can expect your strawberries to start producing fruit in about 3-4 months.

Patience & attention to detail are key to successfully growing strawberries from seed

Strawberry seeds can take 6 weeks to germinate. They are sensitive and temperamental, & if conditions aren't just right, little to no germination can result. The biggest identifiers we have recognized are seeds getting buried in the soil, as well as seeds not being covered. Strawberry seeds need humidity and light to grow. Sprinkling them on the soil surface and covering them will give them the optimal environment to germinate. We provide instructions with our strawberry seeds to give you the knowledge to succeed. We encourage those who wish to grow strawberries from seed to adhere to the instructions as closely as possible as these can be temperamental to grow. We are always happy to help if you have any questions, just send us a message via chat or email. Happy growing!

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