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Two Desert Sunrise onions laying on the ground.

Desert Sunrise F1 Red Onion seeds

SKU: D355377

The Desert Sunrise is both a short day and long day variety that is mild and slightly sweet onion with intense red color. These are slightly more compact and flat than standard market red onions. These are overwintering seeds, so in late summer or late fall, you can sprinkle these on the ground, cover them with a little soil, and nature will do the rest to ensure they will break through the soil just in time for spring. These have intermediate powdery mildew resistance. These are considered either a short day or long day variety.


These are ideal for dishes where you don't want onions to overpower the other ingredients. You also want to use these in dishes that compliment the subtle sweetness of the onion such as dips, marinades, hamburgers, salsas, salads, sandwiches, etc. 


Seed count: 250


  • Botanic name:

    Allium cepa


  • Plant spacing:

    12' between row spacing. In row spacing 18 - 24".



  • Color:

    Dark green stalks with purple-fushia bulbs. 



  • Sowing depth:

    1/8 - 1/2 inches


  • Sun requirements:

    Full sun



  • Utilization:

     The bulbs can be used in sautees, stir fries, eaten raw in salads or used on burgers and sandwhiches. These are also delicious carmelized or pickled. The greens can be used in soups, as garnish, or ethnic dishes (i.e. fried rice or enchiladas). 

  • Frost Hardy:



  • Maturity days:

    90 - 120 days



  • Life cycle:




  • Can I start indoors:



  • Container friendly:


$2.99 Regular Price
$2.09Sale Price
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