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Fresh sliced Waltham Butternut squash.

Waltham Butternut Squash seeds (treated)

SKU: WB2099

A classic! Waltham Butternut squash (also known as the butternut pumpkin or crookneck pumpkin) is prized for its delicate pumpkin-flavored flesh. This popular squash is convenient since it is harvested towards the middle of Fall. These will have a shelf life of at least 3 months. This squash can double for any recipe that uses sweet potatoes so why not try a butternut squash pie or butternut squash muffins?


These are vining squash so you can grow these in pots, in raised beds, or on fertile ground. Seed to harvest is around 110-115 days. Vines are shorter but will produce a significant yield of squash. This variety has intermediate powdery mildew resistance. For these, it's best to prevent mildew, but easier to fight than nonresistant varieties. These can be started indoors 2 weeks before the last frost date if you're in a colder zone. Transplant after the last chance of frost has passed. 


Seed count: 15

  • Botanic name:


  • Plant spacing:

    • 18" - 24" apart
    • 5' - 6' for rows
  • Color:

    Tan / buff


  • Sowing depth:

    1 inch

  • Sun requirements:


  • Utilization:

    Waltham Butternut Squash is an optimal ingredient for creating smooth and creamy autumn soups, vegetable stuffings, vegetable hash, or baked and mashed with butter and brown sugar. 

  • Frost hardy:


  • Maturity days:

    85-110 days

  • Life cycle:


  • Can I start indoors:


  • Container friendly:

    Yes. Use a container that is at lesast 40 inches accross

  • Other names:

    Butter Pumpkin, Crookneck Pumpkin

  • Vine Habit:

    Full vine


  • Weight:

    3-6 lbs.

  • Disease and pest resistance:

    Squash Vine borer
