Turkey Neck Squash seeds
As the name implies, this butternut-type squash is shaped like a long turkey neck. This is an improved version of the Pennsylvanian Dutch crookneck squash. This hybrid is the same squash but with PM and MV resistance. The bulbous end of the squash has a small hollow seed cavity, which means the rest of this beauty is all meat. The length of this squash means you will have plenty of sweet orange flesh to munch on. These have also been used as decorations and even in Thanksgiving arts and crafts to create edible turkey squash sculptures. The meat has been described as non-stringy, sweet, creamy, and smooth. The flesh is great for making soups and stews.
This is a bush-type vine squash so it needs plenty of room to grow. This variety is powdery mildew resistant as well as mosaic virus resistant. Each squash can reach up to 5 pounds.
Seed count: 10
Botanic name:
Plant spacing:
5-6 feet
Sowing depth:
1 inch
Sun requirements:
Full sun
The flesh of the Turkey Neck Squash makes a great soup and stew squash. Its also delicious mashed.
Frost hardy:
Maturity days:
90-95 days
Life cycle:
Can I start indoors:
Container friendly:
No recommended
Other names:
Canadian crookneck, Turkey Neck Pumpkin
Vine Habit: