Smooth Luffa Gourd seeds
Smooth Luffa gourds are easy to grow and great for crafts, and personal use. Some folks may have thought luffa sponges came from the ocean or a factory, but they are a gourd. Luffa has an elongated shape with smooth green skin. As they begin to dry on the vine, the inside will firm up, the skin will turn brown, and the fibers inside will naturally recess from the skin. When completely dried, the skin can be peeled, seeds extracted, and you can whiten Luffa in a bleach bath, or leave them a natural color. The long sponge-shaped Luffa can be cut into disks and used to clean dishes, scrub household surfaces, and much more.
Soap makers love this gourd as well. After cutting the luffa, it can be put in a mold and covered in your favorite soap base (glycerine, Castile, Shea butter, goat's milk, olive oil, etc.) While you lather up, the luffa will exfoliate at the same time. Each Luffa can reach up to 15" long.
Seed count: 10
Botanic name:
Luffa aegyptiaca
Plant spacing:
24" - 36" apart
5' - 6' for rows
Green exterior
Sowing depth:
Sun requirements:
Full sun
Use the fiberous inside for washing dishes, soak making, in the shower, or as a scrubber for house cleaning,
Frost hardy:
Maturity days:
90-100 days
Life cycle:
Can I start indoors:
Container friendly:
Not recommended
Other names:
Fibre, Loofa Gourd, Dishcloth Gourd, Rag Gourd, Sponge Gourd, and Strainer Vine
Vine Habit:
Full vine
1-3 lbs.
Disease and pest resistance: