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Three One Ball yellow zucchini.

One Ball F1 Zucchini seeds

SKU: 455776G

One Ball F1 Zucchini will attract attention with its vibrant yellow fruits and appealing rounded shape. The attractive and bright-colored produce of One Ball stands out with its golden hue. These zucchinis are borne on semi-open, bush-habit plants adorned with short spines, ensuring a visually appealing and easily manageable garden addition.


Known for their excellent yields, the fruits may exhibit some stem and blossom end greening in prolonged warm weather, maintaining their allure throughout the growing season. Optimal harvest is achieved when the zucchinis reach a diameter of 2–3 inches. Furthermore, these zucchinis boast intermediate resistance to both Watermelon Mosaic Virus and Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus, ensuring a robust and healthy crop for your gardening endeavors. Cultivate One Ball F1 Zucchini for a vibrant and productive addition to your garden.


Seed count: 10 

  • Botanic name:



  • Plant spacing:

    18"-24" apart

  • Color:

    Round golden fruit with dark green foliage. 

  • Sowing depth:

    1 inch


  • Sun requirements:


  • Utilization:

    One Ball F1 zucchinis are ideal for stuffing, dicing up into vegetable hash, sliced fresh and used in salads, or baked and covered in butter, salt, and pepper. 

  • Frost hardy:


  • Maturity days:

    45-50 days

  • Life cycle:


  • Can I start indoors:


  • Container friendly:


  • Other names:


  • Vine Habit:



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