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A Marina Di Chioggia pumpkin on a bail of hay.

Marina Di Chioggia Pumpkin seeds

SKU: MD2609

Discover the enchanting Marina di Chioggia pumpkin, an heirloom treasure with a rich and storied past. Originating in the seaside town of Chioggia, Italy, this unique squash has been a culinary delight for centuries. Its distinctive blue-green, deeply ribbed skin and warty exterior give it a captivating, almost otherworldly appearance.


The Marina di Chioggia's flavor is just as remarkable as its looks. Boasting a sweet, nutty taste with a dense, creamy texture, it's incredibly versatile in the kitchen. Traditionally, Italian gondoliers savor slices of this pumpkin roasted with olive oil and salt, enjoying its satisfying flavor along the shore. But its potential doesn't stop there – transform it into delectable soups, pies, raviolis, gnocchi, and so much more.


Seed count: 10

  • Botanic name:



  • Plant spacing:

    24" - 36" apart

    10' - 12' for rows

  • Color:

    Greenish-blue / grey-blue

  • Sowing depth:



  • Sun requirements:

    Full Sun


  • Utilization:

    Marina Di Chioggia is an excellent variety to implement into pasta recipes. Try this made into gnocchi, linguini noodles, or pureed into a pasta sauce, or cooked with raisens and pine nuts. 

  • Frost hardy:


  • Maturity days:

    95-105 days


  • Life cycle:


  • Can I start indoors:


  • Container friendly:

    Not recomended

  • Other names:

    Zucca Barucca, Zucca Santa and Zucca Baruffa, Zucca marina.

  • Vine Habit:

    Full vine


  • Weight:

    10-12 lbs. on average, but can reach up to 20 lbs.

  • Disease & Pest:

