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A close up image of the beautiful pastel colored kernels of Earth Tones dent corn.

Earth Tones Dent Corn seeds

SKU: E2028111

Earth tones dent corn is a colorful heirloom that presents a high volume of colorful kernels on each cob. The ears can get as large as 8–10 inches. Each ear is filled with kernels ranging in a variety of pastel blues, greens, reds, pinks, yellows, oranges, purples, and pinks. The colors are almost muted and somewhat pastel. The stalks themselves can range anywhere from 7-10 feet. Earth tones dent is incredibly beautiful and would earn its role in Thanksgiving day centerpieces or displays, on autumn wreaths, or hung up to show off the ample colors each cob has to offer. 


Seed count: 25



  • Botanic name:

    Zea mays

  • Plant spacing:

    Plants should be spaced 10 - 12 inches apart in rows 24 - 36 inches  apart.

  • Color:

    Green foilage with brown, copper, and auburn colored grain.

  • Sowing depth:

    1 inch


  • Sun requirements:

    Full sun


  • Utilization:

    The colorful cobs are best used for ornamenntal purposes but can be consumed if ground into a meal or powder. 

  • Frost hardy:


  • Maturity days:

    85 - 90 days

  • Life cycle:


  • Can I start indoors:

    Not recommended

  • Container friendly:

    Yes, to a degree. Corn can be grown in containers although with limited results. Stalks can be shorter and produce less cobs. The bigger the container, the better. 


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