Arabian Coffee Tree seeds
Arabian coffee, scientifically known as Coffea arabica, is a captivating coffee plant characterized by its compact, bushy, and upright growth habit. Its lush, glossy, dark green leaves add to its appeal, making it an excellent choice as an indoor houseplant. Although this particular Coffea arabica may not produce its aromatic flowers or coffee bean-containing fruits when kept indoors, its unique presence serves as a wonderful conversation starter and contributes to purifying the air, enhancing the indoor environment.
If grown outdoors in zones 8-10- Expect a full-grown tree that will produce fragrant flowers and berries that can be harvested for their stones or "beans".
****Growing coffee seeds can be a challenging endeavor. It is strongly recommended that these seeds to purchased by experienced gardeners due to their finicky nature, and caution is advised against attempting cultivation for those new to gardening. Detailed instructions will be provided, and it is imperative to follow them meticulously to ensure the successful germination of your seeds.
**Recommended for advanced growers.
Seed count: 10
Botanic name:
Coffea Arabica
Plant spacing:
8-10 feet apart
Green foilage, red berries
Sowing depth:
Surface sow - Press seeds down into the soil then barely cover. Coffee seeds need light to germinate.
Sun requirements:
Partial sun / indirect light
Grow outdoors in zones 8-11 to harvest coffee berries. Grow as an ornamental or in containers in zones 7 and below. Move containers inside to overwinter.
Frost hardy:
Maturity days:
1-2 Years for a houseplant
3-4 Years to bear fruit (applies to outdoor trees in zones 8- 11)
Life cycle:
Can I start indoors:
Container friendly:
Other names:
Cafeto, cafeto arabica, coffee tree