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A cluster of Indigo Cherry tomatoes on the vine.

Indigo Cherry Drop tomato seeds

SKU: IC8356

If you are familiar with the Indigo Rose tomato, you will know how delicious they are. There was still room for improvement, however, and this is where the Indigo Cherry drop tomato comes in. This is an improved version of the Indigo Rose tomato. This variety is indeterminate instead of determinate, and it produces much higher yields than its predecessor. 


This variety also shares the deep intense dark blue almost black color, but with an improved less acidic flavor. The taste has been described as almost plumb-like. These will start with green and transition to a deep blue, but when the sun strikes each tomato, it will blush into a rosy red. Each day you will be able to harvest from these tomato plants, they're extremely generous with their yields. 


Seed count: 15 (certified organic by MOFGA)

  • Botanic name:

    Solanum lycopersicum

  • Plant spacing:

    18" - 24" apart


  • Color:

    Indigo shoulders with red bottoms when mature