Hollow Crown Parsnip seeds
Hollow Crown Parsnips are a popular heirloom from the 1800s. Each root is around 12 inches long with a creamy white exterior. The name is derived from the top of the parsnip being slightly recessed where the greens protrude hence the name "hollow crown".The flavor has been described as sweet, nutty, mild, and earthy. These are delicious when harvested after spring, and even tastier in the fall after they've been kissed with a light frost. Try these stir-fried in a melody with carrots, potatoes, turnips, and other root-type vegetables. These can also be made into fries or used in soups and stews to add texture and sweetness.
Seed count per pack: 100 seeds
Botanic name:
Pastinaca sativa
Plant spacing:
6 inches apart
Cream-colored exterior
Sowing depth:
1/2-1/4 inch
Sun requirements:
Full sun
Sauteed, fried, mashed, or added to soups.
Frost Hardy:
Maturity days:
100-120 days
Life cycle:
Can I start indoors?
Container friendly:
Other names:
Vine Habit: